Monday, March 14, 2011

I Love ‘Him’

Good news everyone, I’m in a relationship! *cheers~
And do you want to know who the guy is??
Alright, he is the Vice Students Council President and also the captain of 21 JHS football club
Here’s the story
March 9th 2011, Lina told me that someone is falling in love with me
And she said it without asked me to try to guess who the guy is
“Your own Vice is falling in love with you,”
Actually I and ‘he’ already have a closure in this week via mobile message
And honestly, I have a strong feeling with ‘him’
Lina told me that she should make me to fall in love with ‘him’ because ‘he’ told so
Remember, in the beginning I didn’t ask anything about it and then Lina said it without my request
March 11th 2011, before teaching scout and swim, I had a conversation with Lina
I told her that I’m falling in love with ‘him’ and I guess when the swimming time Lina told that to ‘him’
And I guess that’s why ‘he’ shot me in the evening
‘He’ said that ‘he’ loves me and ‘he’ wants to be my boyfriend
And I told ‘him’ 2 conditions and ‘he’ accepted it so I said yes
Oh, geez~ #blushed
Ah yes, nice date right?? (11/03/11) *lol
First, 10/09/08
Second, 20/08/2009
Third, 11/03/11
Next morning ---March 12th 2011---, Lina said “ *cough PJ~” then Indri heard it
So she assumed that I have a relationship with someone ---remember, she was just know that I have a relationship with a guy that he don’t know yet---
And extremely, she told it to everyone in the class then everyone tried to figure who the guy is
Then Nia said “the Vice President Students Council, right?!” I can’t tell a lie so I answered “yes, he is,”
Then…WOW! Most of my friends said “PJ PJ PJ PJ!!!”
Oh Lord…I was totally blushed until I can’t say a thing
But I told them if I have much money I will
Anyway, today after school, I, Nisa, Ayu, Azmi, and the others will have a basketball match against Anto, Blacky, Archa, and the others
Two days before, I asked ‘him’ to watch me have a basketball match but I forgot that today at the same time, there’s a football tournament at Calcio Stadium
So I understand why ‘he’ didn’t watch me when I was having a basketball match
The basketball match was really exhausting but also fun until no one count the score so we don’t know who’s the winner
At 11.30 AM my family picked me up and I told them that there’s football match at Calcio Stadium
They offered me to watch the match and of course I said yes
When I arrived there, I decided to watch the match longer than the first plan so I told my parents they could leave me then they pick me up when I call them
They agreed and they leave me at Calcio Stadium
I watched the match, that time, my class was having a match with 8B class
Unfortunately my class was loose but I was very enjoyed because of my class’ play, I have lots of fun when I watched Utama kick the ball without thinking where will the ball jump
After my class’ match, it’s ‘his’ class turn!
And ‘he’ also played for the match
Honestly, I want to support ‘him’ out there but before I do it my face always turns red
So I didn’t cheer him up… #loser
I have been counted ‘his’ Shot To Goal, and the total is about 3 shots that ‘he’ scores
Unfortunately, ‘his’ class also loses this match
And I saw ‘him’ spill bloods from ‘his’ teeth
I was so worried until I have a talk to him after the match
I : “how’s the score??”
‘him’ : “7-5…”
I : *grab his bag “hey, cheer up. Your face is terrible,”
‘him’ : *smiles
Aww~ I really enjoyed it *lol
When I was waiting for my parents to pick me up, I met Lina, Syira and Fuli
They were waiting for a vehicle to go home
So I decided to joined them while waiting for my parents
When I was waiting, ‘he’ wanted to go home with Adhi by motorcycle
Lina said “hey! Why don’t you accompany your girlfriend??”
I : “it’s okay!”
Lina : “as a boyfriend, you have to accompany your girlfriend first, right??”
I : “it doesn’t matter!”
I have a feeling he want to but he can’t so I said “it’s okay…”
“I’ll go home first, okay???” ‘he’ asked
“It’s fine. Be careful okay??” I answered
Right after ‘he’ left, my parents picked me up
When I arrived at home, ‘he’ sent a message to me
‘he’ said that he’s sorry to go home earlier than me because ‘he’ is exhausted
And I think it’s okay
I think this is gonna be a long Love Story of us *giggles and blushed
Then, on March 13th 2011
'He' and K Football Club visited my house
I was blushing and then my little bro asked "which is your boyfriend, sis??"


  1. hayaaaah .. haha
    langgeng ya jeng .. PJ deh kalo ada duiits :D (*pake 's' brarti duitnya buanyak)

  2. wkwkwk, amien, thanks guys :))

  3. hahaahaaa, belum PJ mbaaa :)
    kok pake b.inggris to, jadi susah bacanya

  4. jiahaha :D haha, sekalian belajar o dek.. -w-"
